Monday, September 26, 2011

Let Us Begin At The Beginning

First, everyone was right- this is THE LONGEST DAY of my ENTIRE life.

At 9am I woke up, so I could complete packing my carry on and have plenty of time to see people before I left.  While the packing of my carry on went very smoothly, meeting up with people didn’t quite happen.  The hours in the day either flew by or felt like they were taking forever to pass. 

Some Guidelines for Packing:

Take clothes for colder weather while it was 85º when I got to the airport, it was 66º when I landed in London. 

You do not need every sentimental item ever- a few will be good enough

I took 1 of every category of shoe: sneaker, flat, high-heel, flip-flop, snow boots, rain boots, etc. That way I’m set, and I know I will probably use at least 1 pair of each anyway.

Buy a cheap bathroom scale and weigh your luggage, seriously this did wonders.  I found out I was a few pounds over and was able to adjust everything before getting to the airport.  An estimation is better than none.  (One of mine ended up being lighter than 50lbs & the other right at 50lbs).

MEASURE YOUR CARRY ON (can you tell by the fact it’s in all CAPS I didn’t do it?)
I went to drop my baggage the guy behind the counter suggested to see if my little carry on suitcase fit in the model, it didn’t.  But he let me check it for free! =) However, because I had to do this I didn’t have my books, ipod, or camera the entire flight. =( boo…

The flight went very smoothly from there on out, I even met a Brit who was doing business in DC and he lives right out side London.  He was a great plane buddy. =)

For dinner they had pasta or chicken curry, unfortunately by the time they got to me they only had curry. =/ It wasn’t bad I just don’t like curry.  It also came with salad, dinner roll, and a really delicious slice of Raspberry Cheesecake. nom, nom.

They had a pretty decent selection of entertainment including Movies, TV, & Radio.  I watch Something Borrowed (nice mellow chick-flick to zone out on) and then I tried to sleep….

Everyone, told me to sleep on the plane so that way my day wouldn’t feel so long, but guess what I can’t sleep on planes, ta-dah! I literally woke myself several times through the night it was ridiculous. I shouldn't complain too much however since I met some international students who took 18 hours worth of plane riding to get here. Yikes!! 

After I landed I spent about an hour in line going through fun.  The customs people aren't super nice, but they let you into the country so whatever.  Make sure to have all of your letters from both your home University and your UK University- they'll want to see them. 

Do not, I repeat DO NOT call anyone from the airport pay phone, it will cost you a fortune.  Your best bet is to wait until you find a place with free WiFi and call from Google Voice for 1¢/ min. 

In addition to this do not, DO NOT attempt to take the train if you have more than one piece of luggage. Trust me.  Elevators are not required in all London train stations - it will be bad.  I opted to take the Coach it was a 4 hour bus ride, but it was totally worth it.  Plus, you can sleep & see some of the beautiful countryside of England.  

Finally around 7:30pm I made it to Leeds I took a taxi for £6.00 to my University Accommodations.  I could have walked, but I was so tired it was worth the £6. To make everyone's life easier- pay your accommodation deposit online BEFORE you get to Leeds, why I didn't do this escapes me, but trust me it makes you & the site accommodation's people's lives easier. 

Around 8pm I was in my flat unpacking a bit.  I was welcomed with a wonderful little welcome care package with carmex lip balm, snacks, gum, and a campus map (YAY!).  I met one of my flatmates- who is from Australia.  She came with a few people from her home university to grab a bit to eat.  I wasn't very hungry so I just had some rice.  BAD IDEA. 

It is 8pm in Leeds, that means it's 3pm on the East Coast.  If you don't eat when you're supposed to you will wake up at 11pm (Leeds Time, 6pm EST) with hunger pains because your body thinks it's dinner time.  So, I had a little snack from my care box and luckily fell asleep somewhere around 2am (stupid jet lag).  


Bus not Train
Weigh Luggage
Measure Carry On
Eat on Time 
Don't make call in Airport
Expect things to not go as planned

Sorry, I don't have any pictures from the first day- it's because my camera got stowed away! 

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha. Ariel, your blogs are so fun to read. Surprising absolutely no one, you are making friends quickly. This is good. Have fun, my dear, and keep up the blogs. We miss you!
